10 crazy things that happened on my Central American road trip

Narrowing it down to just 10 crazy things that happened on my Central American road trip was a  challenge but here they are in no particular order. I’m in the middle of writing an actually useful post on the subject but this seemed like more fun.

1. I did not get kidnapped, have an accident or drive off a cliff. Truly the craziest part.

2. My first mountain drive was not paved in any part and these guys were sitting around the first bend. Gulp.

3. A plate of pasta can cost 3$ and 16$ in the same country. Yes Honduras this is you!

4. This is a bridge for a car and a train. Its single lane, there is no light, there is a giant beam missing about 100m ahead and no train schedule. I drove over it.

5. It is totally normal not to indicate ever and to be overtaken by a slower vehicle then you. On a mountain. On a bend.

6. It is possible to be stopped 3 times by the military and highway police in 47km and not poop your pants.

7. A couple I offered a ride to were prepared to wait 4 hours for a bus from 11am – 3pm in the 40 degree heat rather than share a car with me and Oscar for 25 minutes. They believed the kidnapping risk was too high. The girlfriend said this. The boyfriend verbalized it. Happy to be single and have AC!

8. Driving 7km in Guatemala City took me 3 hours.

9. I got stuck in a human road block in a mountain village in Guatemala where a child had been murdered and there was no police station for 80km. I was given free milk for Oscar and the road was cleared just so we could pass. Boulders, trees and angry crowd included.

10. I picked up a hitchhiker. He ended up not telling me that he spoke fluent Spanish until the above mentioned road block. I am so happy I met him!

11. Ah go on one more! I saw this. I laughed and laughed and still laugh when I see this picture.

10 crazy things that happened on my Central American road trip

MyWellTraveledFriend: My name is Anna Su and I'm a solo mum slow traveling the world with my son Oscar Chang. We are making memories, chasing adventure, enjoying beautiful things and indulging in our time together. We hope we inspire you and make you laugh along the way. For collaborations please contact us at hello@mywelltraveledfriend.com