by MyWellTraveledFriend | Sep 4, 2015 | Central America, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Uncategorized
Narrowing it down to just 10 crazy things that happened on my Central American road trip was a challenge but here they are in no particular order. I’m in the middle of writing an actually useful post on the subject but this seemed like more fun. 1. I did not...
by MyWellTraveledFriend | Aug 25, 2015 | Central America, Guatemala, TIPS AND TRICKS
Ever wondered how to climb a volcano with your kids. This is the Guatemala edition. If you are looking at conquering some fears then keep reading. Full disclosure. I’m not fit by any stretch of the imagination. I like to think I am. I like to think that because...
by MyWellTraveledFriend | Aug 19, 2015 | Flying with baby's, Flying with kids, TIPS AND TRICKS
How do we actually make those early morning flights, trains and buses and not cry? Travel with kids is 80% preparation and 20% mind-set. I say this with a healthy 18 month experience. A quick how to below. Its hard enough to get your self ready for an early morning...
by MyWellTraveledFriend | Aug 15, 2015 | Central America, FOOD, Guatemala, PLACES WE LOVE, Uncategorized
The big question. What to see on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala? Hit Panajachal’s market? Visit Sonolas vibrant Mayan community, or peace out in San Marcos? Lake Atitlan was the first place I ever visited in Guatemala and I’m not going to lie I was totally...
by MyWellTraveledFriend | Jun 24, 2015 | Uncategorized
We just passed our one year on the road. What better time to share our top 10 reasons to travel with kids. We know it’s not for everyone but perhaps one of these reasons will change your mind and open your child’s! 1. Traveling with your children is like...