My Well Traveled Friend – Confessions of a mum travel blogger

I’m having a mild panic here at My Well Traveled Friend. Being a mum travel blogger is tough. There are very few toddler free hours left these days that aren’t consumed by either travel or organizing or sleep. I have fallen so far behind in my posts that it appears I have missed no less than 4 countries and 6 months of travel. As Oscar would say “Whoops – a – daisy mummy!” What to do about this giant travel blogger fail?

How do mum travel bloggers survive?


Why did I start this madness? Well it’s not for the money that is for sure. My one and only aim was to get those armchair travel moms into a car, bus, train or airplane and adventure. I hope I have achieved at least one crazy adventure somewhere in the world. I would love to hear from you if I did?! The thing is that a lot of the time I’m really busy doing that myself. I am totally clueless as to how all these amazing mum blogs of any type get done. These women are my hero’s. A post a day?! When? How? What am I doing wrong? I keep hearing about calendars, scheduling, managing your time la la la. Sadly I feel like not ending my day covered in snot, chocolate and pasta sauce is a grand success. I am so proud of myself when I don’t burst out crying at another flat-out NO from my stubborn and strong-willed child. I am genuinely surprised and bewildered that I begin and end each day without any major incidents, loss of limbs or missing child posters. At first I was resolute. I’m not going to catch up. I’m going to dedicate my time to organizing the chaos that is 20 months of travel 3 1/2 years of living away from civilization and focus on my next adventure. A job! Yes you read that right. Then I made a giant mistake.


Why I love being a mum travel blogger?

I spent 10 minutes looking through my photographs. All those amazing places and all those amazing people and all those amazing views and all those amazing meals. My new-found love for El Salvador. My cop stops in Honduras. The Macaw sanctuary. The secret bays in Croatia? I can’t I have to get this down. So here I am at 6;15 am doing what I’m guessing those crazy mum bloggers around the world do, trying to impart some of my hard-earned wisdom (ha ha). The truth is that as I contemplate life with a little less travel in it the thing I think about most is all the people we have met. I have learned so much about not judging parents, about appreciating everything you can learn from other family’s and learning to offer a helping hand. Raising a family isn’t a walk in the park anywhere in the world and being a mum is a daily challenge no matter if you are on a beach in Mexico, on a lake in Guatemala or in a city in Croatia. Recently I got an email. It was from a mum who lived in the US. She had backpacked, traveled and holidayed the world. Then she had a daughter 8 years ago and her travel journal went more like this. Home – work – daycare – grandma and grandpa’s, Sound familiar? She wanted to know where to start? Tough question but I really wanted to give her the right answer. I told her to take her daughter to the place in the world she had visited and loved most. Best part of the story? She did and they send me a picture. Obviously I cried I was so overwhelmed that my mad little travel adventure had inspired her.The truth is I don’t get those emails every day and sometimes it can get lonely. Travel can be lonely. I see a lot of guides on how not to get lonely as a solo traveler. I never read them, bizarrely I never think of myself as a solo traveler. Madness! It’s not like Oscar can hold an interesting conversation and read a map. He is getting better at both though I have to confess. I have to read one. Who has the time lol.


I keep telling myself that one day I will write some solo mum travel tips. One day I’m also going to write about all the tips and parenting stories I have heard in every country I have visited. One day!  Until then I will get caught up with my travels and share with you all the great places we stayed and enjoyed and why and how and all of that. Being a mum travel blogger may just be the most motivating thing I have ever done and having all these amazing people to share it with make it even more so. If we have inspired you, made you laugh or even look up a flight please let us know. We need a little sharing and caring too from time to time. Now on to the adventures first stop will be Honduras, I didn’t love it 🙁

My Well Traveled Friend – Confessions of a mum travel blogger



MyWellTraveledFriend: My name is Anna Su and I'm a solo mum slow traveling the world with my son Oscar Chang. We are making memories, chasing adventure, enjoying beautiful things and indulging in our time together. We hope we inspire you and make you laugh along the way. For collaborations please contact us at hello@mywelltraveledfriend.com
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