"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." DR SEUSFood markets of Mexico City
The food markets or Mercado's of Mexico City are as vibrant and colorful as its people. Nothing feels more like total immersion in a culture than shopping with the locals. Supermarkets in other countries are like galleries to me. You can really tell a lot about what's...
Zagreb with kids, family travel at its best
Zagreb Croatia is one of the most family friendly city's we have been to. We love it so much we are going again this week. Here are some fun activities in Zagreb with kids. Croatia has long been on the family travel top 10 lists. Its pristine beaches, family friendly...
SECRET CROATIA our top 5 family friendly spots, 2 Jelsa HVAR
Ok so its August, you have no choice, this is the only time you can holiday and you want to go to Croatia. Where do you go that isn't crazy expensive, busy, loud or all three? This is my secret Croatia guide. Second stop Jelsa, Hvar. For the un initiated you may have...
Our TOP Berlin Children’s Second Shops
Choosing our top second-hand children's shops in Berlin was so much fun to research. I got to shop and not feel bad about it. After all its research, right? Ok so here is the thing, second-hand clothes for kids can gross some people out and while certainly there are...

BERLIN WITH KIDS – Children’s Farm Pinke Panke
Autumn in Berlin is one of my favorite times of the year. The city gets calmer. The leaves on the tree-lined avenues start changing colors and showering the city with a golden carpet. With so many parks, woodland and children's farms in the city itself getting out and...

A Guide to Berlin’s BEST family-friendly lakes
What makes a lake a THE BEST is open for debate, but these are our Berlin best family-friendly lakes. Why not comment and tell us about yours? In other news, I’m starting to update all my Google Maps which I personally find so handy for inspiration. You can click...

How to plan an American road trip with kids
I traveled across five states with my almost 3 year old alone and lived to tell the tale. An essential checklist to get you started on your great American road trip with kids. HOW TO PLAN AN AMERICAN ROAD TRIP - WORK OUT A BUDGET This should be the first step...

Our TOP Berlin Children’s Second Shops
Choosing our top second-hand children's shops in Berlin was so much fun to research. I got to shop and not feel bad about it. After all its research, right? Ok so here is the thing, second-hand clothes for kids can gross some people out and while certainly there are...

My favorite new destination family friendly El Salvador
Its a bold statement announcing that you have a new favorite destination but after 18 months of travel I feel qualified enough to say that yes El Salvador is my family friendly destination. I basically loved El Salvador and I can't wait to go back. What made El...

My Well Traveled Friend Mum Pack Travel
I'm not alone! Thank you to My Well Traveled Friend Evie @ Mum Pack Travel for being brave, inspiring and breaking the norm. New kitchen? Why when you could travel for a year. Hi Evie, You live in Australia with your lovely daughter who is five now. I know you have...
"Actually the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures." Lewis Carol, Alice in WonderlandCOUNTRIES