Berlin child friendly cafes and restaurants

With the help, of Berlins most supportive parenting community Berlin Expat Babies I finally got around to creating Berlins first and best (of course!) map of child-friendly cafes and restaurants. Here's the dream scenario. Create a downloadable map...

How to save money and travel more

  January is here with all its new beginning and resolutions. Well, I have one simple goal this year to save money and travel more. Oscar and I are planning to long-term travel again in 2019 so 2018 is ALL about saving every single penny. We...

How to plan an American road trip with kids

I traveled across five states with my almost 3 year old alone and lived to tell the tale. An essential checklist to get you started on your great American road trip with kids. HOW TO PLAN AN AMERICAN ROAD TRIP - WORK OUT A BUDGET   This should...

Flying with kids, a survival guide to 3 year olds

Our flying with kids guide is back due to popular demand. A blow by blow manual to surviving your tyrants at 35,000 feet. This time our flying with kids guide is for the almost 3-year-olds but it doesn't mean some of the basics won't apply to...


"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." DR SEUS
Mexico City a summary

Mexico City a summary

My first impressions of Mexico City were such a mixed bag. So I went back, as I often do and looked through my pictures. Mexico City a summary Turned out I was right. A real mixed bag. DF as it's locally known (Districto Federal) is such a contradiction. It's like...

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Why I love family friendly Antigua Guatemala

Why I love family friendly Antigua Guatemala

I loved how family friendly Antigua Guatemala was so much I went there twice. Thats really saying something. Its rare you get a  beautiful city full of incredible hotels, great food, great wine, great coffee and great shopping in a breathtaking location filled with...

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Top family friendly European cities

Top family friendly European cities

New year, new plans and of course new adventures. Here is our round-up of the most family friendly European cities and the reasons we loved them. I find the first few months of the year so challenging and of course travel truly invigorates me. In my list today...

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Berlin’s TOP 5 child-friendly museums

Berlin’s TOP 5 child-friendly museums

Today at My Well Traveled friend we have picked Berlin's top 5 child-friendly museums. What makes a museum child-friendly in the first place and why should you visit? Well, my system is simple, I ask my son. He’s 3.5 now, very opinionated and I take him to a lot of...

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Our TOP Berlin Children’s Second Shops

Our TOP Berlin Children’s Second Shops

Choosing our top second-hand children's shops in Berlin was so much fun to research. I got to shop and not feel bad about it. After all its research, right? Ok so here is the thing, second-hand clothes for kids can gross some people out and while certainly there are...

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"Actually the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures." Lewis Carol, Alice in Wonderland