

How to save money and travel more

How to save money and travel more

  January is here with all its new beginning and resolutions. Well, I have one simple goal this year to save money and travel more. Oscar and I are planning to long-term travel again in 2019 so 2018 is ALL about saving every single penny. We haven't planned our...

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Plan a perfect family holiday.

Plan a perfect family holiday.

How to plan a family holiday like a pro is about putting into action all the things I have learned since I started traveling with my son full time 2 years ago. I have combined handy techniques with fantastic apps and websites that will help you plan a family like a...

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Writing a review for the GB Pockit is actually one of the easiest posts I have ever had to write. Narrowing it down to just 5 things that make the GB Pockit the best travel stroller out there was a bit harder. The main reason I don't do 100's of reviews on here is...

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How to plan an American road trip with kids

How to plan an American road trip with kids

I traveled across five states with my almost 3 year old alone and lived to tell the tale. An essential checklist to get you started on your great American road trip with kids. HOW TO PLAN AN AMERICAN ROAD TRIP - WORK OUT A BUDGET   This should be the first step...

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Holiday travel with toddlers long haul and beyond

Holiday travel with toddlers long haul and beyond

Holiday travel with kids is every parents nightmare.  Holiday travel with a toddler might just feel like the worst. Despair not, we have compiled a fantastic guide to help ease the pain. This is my third guide on travel with kids. After almost two years of solo travel...

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Our TOP Berlin Children’s Second Shops

Our TOP Berlin Children’s Second Shops

Choosing our top second-hand children's shops in Berlin was so much fun to research. I got to shop and not feel bad about it. After all its research, right? Ok so here is the thing, second-hand clothes for kids can gross some people out and while certainly there are...

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How to climb a volcano with your kids. The Guatemala edition.

How to climb a volcano with your kids. The Guatemala edition.

Ever wondered how to climb a volcano with your kids. This is the Guatemala edition. If you are looking at conquering some fears then keep reading. Full disclosure. I'm not fit by any stretch of the imagination. I like to think I am. I like to think that because I no...

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How to nail early morning travel with kids.

How to nail early morning travel with kids.

How do we actually make those early morning flights, trains and buses and not cry? Travel with kids is 80% preparation and 20% mind-set. I say this with a healthy 18 month experience. A quick how to below. Its hard enough to get your self ready for an early morning...

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Flying with kids, a survival guide to  3 year olds

Flying with kids, a survival guide to 3 year olds

Our flying with kids guide is back due to popular demand. A blow by blow manual to surviving your tyrants at 35,000 feet. This time our flying with kids guide is for the almost 3-year-olds but it doesn't mean some of the basics won't apply to you. You can also click...

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Mustela sunscreen for kids!

Mustela sunscreen for kids!

Getting to our favorite sunscreen for kids took some time. Ages ago. I really mean that, it's got to be like 4 months ago ( sorry guys) some lovely people at Mustela UK sent us some sunscreen for kids. Well we are professionals over here, Oscar Chang and I, so we took...

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Our favorite European organic baby products

Our favorite European organic baby products

We wanted to round-up a few of our favorite European natural and organic baby products for you this week. We are product junkies after all. As you may have noticed we spent a substantial amount of time in Europe (almost 10 months!)  and despite traveling lights its...

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The BEST Berlin playgrounds guide

The BEST Berlin playgrounds guide

Did you know that the city of Berlin has over 1850 playgrounds? No neither did I. Imagine basing your whole visit to Berlin exploring the best of them? Well here is your chance, the best guide to Berlin playgrounds “Spielplatzguide Berlin”.

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